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今天是2024年 03月 22日 星期五
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微课稿: Unit 4 What’s the weather like ? 王利君 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:city, weather, different, sunny, hot, rain, rainy. 2. 理解课文并能分角色朗读对话。 3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型,并能初步学会运用句型谈论天气情况。 What’s the weather like in.... today? It’s ....and .... . 教学难点重点: 运用句型向别人谈论天气情况,并能熟练运用形容词进行回答。 教具: 单词卡片,教具卡片及课件 教学过程: 1. Warm up T: Before class, let’s sing a song together. <> How is the weather? It’s a fine day. How is the weather? It’s a cloudy day. T:Today we will learn Unit4 What’s the weather like ? 2. Presentation A. Learn the new words: T: Let’s have a look. The first picture, listen and repeat.(weather) T: Look, what’s this? (sun) T: What’s the weather like today?(sunny) T: Look at the pictures, how to say the word? Yes, it’s cold. T: Now, listen to the word, who can read it? Ok, it’s rain. T: The last one, listen carefully.(rainy) T: Let’s read some words together. Ss: city, weather, different, sunny, hot, rain, rainy. T: Let’s practice the words with high and low voice. B. 大小声练习单词,师适时纠正错误发音 C. Play a game. T: Now let’s play a game. 火眼金睛Say the words quickly. ( rain, city, different, sunny, hot, weather, rainy.) T: Look, What’s the weather like today?(课件图片 sunny and hot) 师板书句型 It’s sunny and hot. T: If you want to talk about the weather, how to ask? What’s the weather like today? ...... 师板书句型 3.Practice the sentence pattern: T: Now let’s practice the two sentences, ask and answer. 两人一组左问右答 学生两人一组对话展示: What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot. 4.Text: T: Today,our friends are coming. This is Zhou Lin, this is Li Xiao. What are they doing? Let’s have a look. Q1: What’s Li Xiao doing? He is reading about the weather in different cities. Q2: What’s the weather like in New York today? It’s sunny and hot. Q3: What’s the weather like in London? It’s raining and cold. T: Now, open your book, turn to page 24, listen to the tape, then answer the questions. A.师指名学生回答三个问题。 B. T: 师呈现课文四幅图的图片 Let’s practice the dialogue. 两人一组选择自己喜欢的一幅图进行分角色对话练习。 抽查六组学生 5. Practice 拓展运用练习 T: Can you talk about the weather? 课件呈现6幅图——sunny, cloudy, hot, cold, snowy, rainy. 拓展词汇——snowy, cloudy T:Do you know the weather report? Now, let’s have a look about the weather report. 播放一段北京,哈尔滨,郑州,合肥的天气预报,使用本节句型进行拓展—— What’s the weather like in... ?引导生用所学词汇来描述天气 T: What’s the weather like in Beijing ? S9: It’s snowy. T: What’s the weather like in HaerBin ? S10: It’s sunny. T: What’s the weather like in Zhengzhou? S11: It’s rainy. T: What’s the weather like in Hefei ? S12: It’s rainy. T: Now take out your paper, ask and answer. T:六人一组选择你们喜欢的3个城市谈论天气 抽查三组学生展示对话 T: 平时我们要时刻关注天气预报,适时地增衣减衣,减少疾病。 6.Homework 用我们今天所学的句型来向父母谈论天气情况,学会用英语进行交流,相信你会完成的很棒!


